Lisp Development Tools

Lisp Development Tools is a Common Lisp Integrated Development Environment (IDE) plugin for the eclipse platform.

All you can currently get is this roadmap, an alpha-quality preview (Source Included), some screenshots and a cvs repository.
Also check out ldt's project page.

Red means it's not done.
Yellow means it's underway.
Green means it's complete.

Last update: September 13th.

Roadmap for version 0.1


Understand the basics of eclipse pluggin and syntax highlighting programming.


Split the code between "comment" and "code" and make a comment syntax colorizer.


Make a symple syntax highlighter for strings, keywords and suck.


Start ripping the HyperSpec of all the necessary info to include in a future content assist and code complete, and all the symbol names and their types for use in the syntax highlighter.


Use the ripped HyperSpec symbols in the syntax highlighter.

Roadmap for version 0.2


Parenthesis match. Possibilitate more modes than the default.


Double click strategy:

  • Select the next () block when you double click before a '('
  • Allow for selection of keywords (:asd only selects "asd", not ":asd")


Remaining hyperspec extraction.

Successfully ripped: Functions, Accessors, Variables, Conditions, System Classes, Macros, Types, Special Operators, Declarations, Symbols and Classes.
These are HyperSpec designations.


Content assistant and code completer.

The code completer is done, the context information is missing.
Code completion means you can put in lisp function names and it will complete them and show relevant HyperSpec documentation.
Lack of Context info means you won't be shown relevant context information after choosing an option in the code completer (you won't be shown some text highlighting which argument in the function you're currently working on, for instance). This feature may or may not exist in the future, depending on feedback (or force of will).


Syntax coloring of remaining syntax:

  • 'quotes
  • '(lists)
  • `(more ,lists)
  • #2A(arrays)
  • #S(structures)
  • \specialCharacters
  • And so on.


Get a nice coloring scheme. I suck at this, I'll a web designer friend.

Roadmap for version 0.3


A configuration pannel for colors.


Auto indentation and it's conf pannel.


Insertion of user defined functions into the spec, meaning some special parse of defun or something.
Make sure this definition lives across files in the same project, but not across diferent projects.
Rip the extremely-complicated-to-rip hyperspec (the type of hyperspec that is split trough diferent files, the a_<symbol name>.htm files.


Better code navigation. Allow to jump () pairs or to the next defun/defstruct/whatever, using some ctrl/alt/shift combination with the arrow keys (or whatever keybind...)

Roadmap for version 0.4


Finally, start thinking about Steel Bank Common Lisp integration. What's necessary in order to talk to sbcl, to evaluate code, how to parse the output.
Important: What is a good visual interface with a lisp runtime?
Should there be little buttons that would make it easy to evaluate each top-level form? I don't want people to have an "Inferior Lisp" type of interface in order to know wether the function returned t or nil! I want people to hover the mouse somewhere or do some other easy equivalent to get this info. Since lisp is very used in a write-form--get-result sort of way (as well as the usual compile--run-program loop), I want this to be easy and intuitive.
Note that ldt must be revolutionary in this point. Writing code The Lisp Way should be exceptionally facilitated.


Invent some general-purpose interface that can later be used with other Lisp implementations. Make sure it's easy to use new implementations and that you don't have to have implemented all of the interface for the rest to work; For instance: you can have the evaluate interface coded but the debug interface not coded.
This interface deals only with the comunication between the plugin and the CL implementation, it has nothing to do with the user interface (UI).


Implement SBCL's evaluation interface.
This obviously includes errors and warnings.


Build a UI layer around the CL interface.
Make sure it rocks ;)

Roadmap for version 0.5


Implement SBCL's debug interface.


Code LDT's debug view.

Roadmap for version 0.6-nil


Pump up the plugin, refactor code, redo what must be redone.
Make the current features clean, sharp and beautiful.


Add/fix all minor features/anoyances that might have been sugested by anyone who tried ldt.
Make sure that what exists is solid.

Roadmap for version 0.6-t


Version 0.6-t must be ready for academic use.
It must be reliable, solid, reliable and solid.
It's a milestone before new production-quality features.

Roadmap for version 0.6-lambda


Version 0.6-lambda is a polished and entirely reliable version with no new features.
This means that all features any user feels as needed for academic use should have been sugested and implemented by now, and should be rock-solid. This version may or may not be developed at the same time as a more production-quality branch. Logo